Beat the heat and gameday traffic with this one of a kind sailgating experience to Baylor’s season opener against Texas State on September 2, 2023. You and 7 friends will depart Brazos Park East at your desired time and cruise to McLane Stadium on a Mastercraft XT25 wakeboard boat. Margaritas, beer, wine, and Guess Family Barbeque are included on your captained voyage. Cruise back to Brazos Park East post-game and enjoy a gameday experience on the Brazos unlike any other! 

Package includes travel to and from McLane Stadium, BBQ and beverages for up to 8 people. 
Football tickets are not included.

Baylor Football Sailgating Experience (LIVE Auction at Event)

Item #32

$300 - 0 bids

Part of live auction



Donated By:

Diane & Kyle Deaver